Kitchen Hand Painting

Get started on your kitchen hand painting project!

Professional Kitchen Painters uses a combination of premium paints and proven painting methods. Our paints come from brands like Colourtrend and Farrow & Ball, and are selected for their extraordinary consistency, smoothness, and clarity. We offer professional furniture painting service.

When applying paints, we use careful step-by-step methods that eliminate common problems like drips, visible seams, transparencies, and inconsistent colouration. The result is a picture-perfect finish that you’ll instantly fall in love with. We work in Roscommon, Sligo, Leitrim, Longford, and the surrounding area.

professional kitchen painters
traditional kitchen painting

The kitchen painted in the 'old school' style

If you want your kitchen to be finished in ‘old style’ and have subtle traces of brush-stroke. This service is for you. This technique suits the kitchen of a vintage style, it is so noble and charming finish.

We are your local kitchen painters and are equipped with the highest quality of paint for refinishing kitchen cabinets. Combined with the latest painting technology and techniques, we will have your kitchen looking ‘brand new’ in as little as a few days.